Nitrile / Polychloroprene / Natural Rubber
9-inch / 12-inch / 16-inch
4.0 mil - 18.0 mil
XS / S / M / L / XL / XXL
4.5g - 23.4g
Refer to brochure below
- Finger Textured or Full Textured
- Ambidextrous or Hand-specific
- Diamond or Fish Scale Textured
- Beaded cuff
The Industrial Safety Glove Specialist
iSafe™ is designed for industrial applications. Our extra long-cuff feature offer extended protection over the wrist and arm. For enhanced protection, our dual color series promoting better visibility of any cuts or pricks when in contact with hazardous material.
In our iSafe™ series, iSafe™ Plus and iSafe™ Star are Diamond and Fish Scale Textured gloves designed with anti-slip features for excellent traction during wet and oily applications.
The fish scale pattern (iSafe™ Plus) provides better grip, comfort, and convenience best-suited food processing environment.
Diamond textured gloves (iSafe™ Star) enhance grip during oily applications such as automotive repair and maintenance, spray paint, and machinery maintenance.
- Suitable for food handling, automotive repair and maintenance, spray paint, machinery maintenance, and chemical handling
- Extra glove thickness of up to 20mil for better protection available